I have been watching them and so far I have not bid on any. It is harder to find a gun with a Mum than one without the Mum. Originally Posted By OlympicArmsFan: If you go to Gunbroker the Type 38 and 99 with intact Mum are bringing some high money right now. Couple boxes factory ammo to get the brass and get the dies and you're gtg. I reload it as it is expensive to buy from the factory.
That was a lucky day, only gun I've ever been given. He said you want it, seems to interest you more than me. He went and got it out, I started talking about it and telling him what is was ect. He overheard me mention guns one day and remembered it was there. I got mine for free from a friend who found it in a crawlspace 20 some odd years ago. I have one with dust cover but looks like a bayonet was used to put an x in the mum. The series of six numbers on the left side of the receiver is the serial number of the Japanese Arisaka Type 38, which is 749348. Japanese Arisaka Type 38 rifle showing 16-petal chrysanthemum and characters that spell Type 38.